Advanced Analytics & Data Science

VNJ has a history of empowering corporations with modern technologies like AI, VR, AR and ML to create resolutions to near-impossible fixes. We help build software which can use the power of Data which is modern Oil, to revolutionize processes in your Industry. Advanced technologies like these, along with the power of light and robust software, helps you conquer the skies in your niche.

VNJ Innovation Data Science

excel in laptop
Analyze large set data sets in real or near to real time

puzzle pieces
Implement ML and AI models based on use cases

business woman thinking while sitiing
Make visualizations to see the data outputs

Integrate analytics back to the decision point


Businesses seek to derive greater insights while new technologies and techniques push the boundaries of visual data presentation. We advanced data visualization services to bring your company’s data to life with highly interactive and user-friendly BI dashboards.Our data visualization approach comprises the below services

Advanced-Data Analytics Integrations knows no bounds and can produce profound results that will change the face of your Company and its future.

Bigdata analytics

The power of Big Data

We help you harness the power of Big Data using a hand-coded piece of software. These software are capable of processing any amounts of Data to bring your desired outcome. Big Data can be used in any particular Industry to feed you with pieces of information and analytics which would usually be gathered using a team of hundreds of experienced professionals.

Power BI Integration

Data is of no use if it cannot be represented and decoded for use by professionals in your Company. We help bring data to life by integrating the results with power BI visualization, which can convert your Data to any form of your choice. BI dashboards can be incorporated that will continuously process data and feed you with insights to improvise operations and bring in new changes.

data analysis software


Don’t wait when it's time for action to bring innovations and take your Company to another level. Contact Us for a custom proposal for your Company!